Cornea Ulcer
A Cornea ulcer may occur when an abrasion or dry spot in the cornea becomes infected with a bacteria, fungus, or virus. Patient experience severe pain, redness, and light sensitivity. Certain inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis may produce severe sight-threatening ulcers as well. It is extremely important for initiation of drops are started immediately.
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Blue Light and Eye Health
Cornea Abrasion
Cornea Dystrophy
Cornea Edema
Cornea Scar
Cornea Ulcer
Diabetic Retinopathy
Eye Exams
Eyeglass Frame Materials
High Definition Lenses
How the Eye Works
Interactive Eye
Introduction to the Eye
Cataract Surgery
Macular Degeneration
Multifocal Intraocular Lens Implants
No Glare Lenses
Progressive Lenses
Proper Lens Care Instructions
Protective Eyewear
Recurrent Erosion Syndrome
Reduce Digital Eye Strain
Retinal Tears and Detachments
Scratch Protection
The Right Age for Contacts
Thinner and Lighter Lenses
Types of Contact Lenses